Sunday, January 31, 2010


Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/60, f/4.00, P mode, 18mm, flash

Ok, one month down. Did some cool things this month and took some cool pictures. I was a little uninspired today and just shot stuff in the front yard. Almost went with an abstract focusy picture of a plant, but decided to wait. Had rehearsal again at the Rainier Brewery and there was a door open to a courtyard. Inside this courtyard were four walls completely covered with graffiti!


Trouble was, the place was lit with oh-so-yellow sodium lamps (think streetlights) and there was sky up above. And it was dark. I busted out the flash to try to use it and succeeded in getting hardly anything useful. I didn't bring a tripod so I couldn't do long exposures. In the end, I wanted to go wide so I stuck on the kit 18-55 and the flash and hoped for the best.

As it turns out, the one I chose was the one I liked best, but maybe not the best picture. Maybe tomorrow I'll bring the tripod as I'm going out one more time.

Goodbye January 2010. Bring on February!

Saturday, January 30, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/125, f/1.80, Av, 50mm

I shot this while stopped on Pacific Ave in the U. District just outside the University Hospital. I rolled down the window and snapped it. I was much bummed when a woman walked by just after I snapped it (and I noticed her far too late to recompose it). She had a blue umbrella and it would've been great.

But I missed it. Maybe next time.

Friday, January 29, 2010


Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/100, f/1.80, 50mm

You know, it's funny. I spent 3 hours today shooting trains in Snoqualmie with Malcolm and what do I post? I picture of the proprietor of a coffee shop and her son. She took over the shop a year or so ago and one of the benefits she mentioned was being able to bring her son to work.

I loved how he was playing with whatever it was he was playing with. Her framing him was an added bonus.

I had the bright light coming in from outside so I bumped my EV up 2/3rds and deliberately overexposed it so I could have some detail of her and her son.

The coffee was good too. :)

Thursday, January 28, 2010


ISO 100, 1/80, f/2.50, 50mm

Haley's class got to go to the Franz Bakery in Seattle today for a field trip. I got to chaperone. Tours are free (for groups of 10 or more) and it was actually pretty cool. Unfortunately, they wouldn't allow cameras on the bread floor as they have machinery and "secrets", so the only shots I could take were in the holding area, where we waited for tours to finish, and outside.

This paper truck was made by one of the kids in the class. They had crafts and snacks so it was easy to pass the time. I punched the color up a little in Elements for your viewing pleasure.

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Picture info: ISO 400, 1/60, f/4.00, 28mm

Yep, more musical instruments. This is a family portrait. On the left, my trusty SB-2, which has made several appearances in this blog. On the right, my Lakland Duck Dunn, which is a beautiful bass, but unfortunately was on backside of this flash. And in the back is my rig. A Trace-Elliot GP12 amp, a 2x10 Avatar cab and a 1x15 Ashdown cab.

It's a mutt, but I love it. The amp and the cabs all fit in the back of my little GTI, stealth-like.

I took the shot in my garage (duh) and held the Speedlite off camera and pointed it at my car (to the left), which is silver and reflected it back.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Picture info: ISO 400, 1/50, f/2.2, 50mm

Straight from the camera onto the computer. I am posting from my recently refreshed Thinkpad T43. Good thing I refreshed it because my main rig pooped the bed tonight. I downloaded the latest MS updates (a Windows validation and Office something or other) and did the required reboot. The above is the result.

Thanks Microsoft!

I tried running Safe Mode. No dice. Last Known Configuration? Forget about it. Recovery Console with CHKDSK /R? Nope. Even ran that one twice.

I'm 99.9% sure my pictures and stuff are ok. I'm thinking I just need to do a reload of XP. Not sure if the HD is working right though. No clicking within, but as it gets to where the login screen usually comes up, the drive shuts off/spins down and gives the above message.

Awesome. Troubleshooting tomorrow.

Monday, January 25, 2010


Picture info: ISO 200, 1/60, f/2.80, 50mm, flash (off camera)

Cutting it close again. And I'm having Blogger issues uploading, so hopefully this Picasa upload works. I took more pictures tonight at the Rainier Brewery again as a Christmas gift I exchanged came in today. It was an off-camera shoe cord. In other words, I can attach the Speedlite to this cord and hold the flash in my hand. I took a bunch at the studio and I liked this one (though the others were cool too).

My beloved SB-2, my new earplugs, an awesome Ampeg SVT-3 Pro and a 6x10 cab. Awesome.

Sunday, January 24, 2010


Ok, I had a different picture ready to go in the event I wasn't home by midnight. Well, I made it home by midnight and as my pictures download, I hope there's one I deem worthy to post.

Be right back.

I just checked them out. One I liked, because the lighting conditions were terrible and I had to hand-hold the camera, but the picture came out pretty sharp. But I'm not going to use it, as I have some graffiti ones up already. Instead, here you go:

Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/50, f/1.80, 50mm

I had rehearsal at the old Rainier Brewery for a project I'm filling in on. The guy needed a bassist and looked me up so I've been practicing with them. He has a CD release coming up and I'll be playing that show. Tonight was our second rehearsal and it's been going pretty well.

This picture isn't the best, but of the 41 I took, I liked it the best. I like how you can see the amp through the drum set. I like how the drum set is orange and has a huge double-bass setup.

That's not the kit the drummer I'm playing with uses, thankfully.

ps: I have a feeling people will like my reject better (mainly because it's clearer).

Saturday, January 23, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/160, f/2.20, 50mm

The kids got the rare treat of painting this morning. I suppose it should be more commonplace, but I'm paranoid that paint will spill, that water will get on stuff, that a mess will be made.

Well, a mess was made, but it wasn't all that bad.

Friday, January 22, 2010


Picture info: ISO 200, 1/2000, f/2.00, 50mm

Man. Malcolm and I did our third Friday in a row in Seattle. This time, it didn't rain! We hit Pike Place Market and it was great. I took about 250 shots and found I liked quite a few of them. As it turns out, Malcolm and I shot a lot of the same things, including his shot of the day. I was tempted to put up my bike tire shot, as it turned out quite nicely, but I think I'll save that for my "reject" pile or soon-to-be Flickr album.

One thing I did today was shoot people a little. I had my 70-210mm lens and put that on to "discreetly" shoot people. Though this shot wasn't done with that, there will be some in my Flickr set.

Anyway, hope you like this and I'll be back to edit a link in for the attached album.

Edit: and here it is: Pike Place Market set on Flickr.

Thursday, January 21, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/100, f/1.8, 50mm

Once again, no photos from outside the house because I was at home all day. Big surprise! This is a picture of a cap to some scent thing Marci bought. I guess it's French and goes on top of some sort of candle that's supposed to make your air cleaner. I thought the cap was cool and then I popped it on the stove top for a few quick snaps.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/50, f/1.8, 50mm

I've shied away from putting pictures of family, etc, on here because I have plenty of pictures of them all over my other "social networking" sites. But after seeing a friend's P365 blog where she's putting pictures of her kids, I figured I'd do the same.

Riley's worked hard at his handwriting and skills for some time now. His story is on his blog, where I documented a lot of what he's done since his surgery in '08.

Anyway, he set up his little lap desk on the couch and got to work on his writing sheets. His concentration was furious and I wanted to capture the look.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/1250, f/1.80, 50mm

I took this picture from the rooftop parking lot of the Guitar Center in Seattle. I needed earplugs so me and Riley stopped by on the way back from his weekly Children's Hospital appointment.

Monday, January 18, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/1000, f/1.8, 50mm

What a nice day today! I took Bella for a walk and had the camera in tow. I took some pictures of things around the neighborhood and didn't come up with anything fabulous, though I did like this fire hydrant. I had a horizontal shot I liked better, but I cut the bottom off. It was tough holding a pulling dog in one hand and a camera steady in the other.

It was such a nice day we took Bella out twice. Sold some Girl Scout cookies with Haley. Hit our local Blockbuster that is going out of business. I went to Lund Bros. practice and worked on our tunes.

Then Bella went and ruined it all tonight by eating her poop. Again.

We can't figure her out. She's pretty much a great dog 99.99% of the time, though she has gotten really annoying with wanting to go out every hour or so. She'll pee and then goof around and get some air. Tonight, I decided to let her out with her neck lamp. Usually when I do that, if I call her as soon as she's done with #2, she bolts home. I couldn't tell tonight and when she came back to the deck, she was licking her lips, a telltale sign.

I took a whiff. Yup. Poo breath.

Anyway, I'll spare you the rest. Happy MLK Day!

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Picture info: ISO 400, 1/13, f/5.60, 25mm, flash

Since #1 has gotten some blog love, I figured it'd be time for #2. Sorry for the lousy background.

This is a picture of my Lakland Skyline Duck Dunn bass. It's a Korean version of the US version and I got it by way of trading my beloved MusicMan Sterling about 1.5 years ago. I usually play it with my band, the Scheme, or at church. It's a passive bass and it sounds fantastic. Looks great too.

Tomorrow's a day off for the kids so we'll see what kind of photo ops that brings. My family is shy to pose for me. I don't necessarily want to use them for the 365 project, but more to practice shooting people. Maybe I'll see if they'll sit and look nice for me.

Saturday, January 16, 2010


 Picture info: ISO 400, 1/100, f/3.2 50mm

Man. Cutting it close again. Babysat at a friend's house and couldn't get connected to their wireless. I suck. I took some pictures of stuff in their house. Here are some napkin holders.

Friday, January 15, 2010


It's a toss-up. I'm writing this without knowing what I'm going to post. Is it going to be from the morning shoot with Malcolm at the Volunteer Park Conservatory? It could be. There were a bunch of great pictures taken there and I'd be happy with one from that batch.

Or will it be from my evening shoot, where I took a tripod and went out at night and experimented with long exposures, small apertures, and walking around downtown Bellevue?

Which will it be?

Truth be told, there's better ones from the flower/plant shoot this morning. I could also post a good ol' long-exposure-over-the-freeway shot, but, cool as it may be, it's kind of boring.

After looking at everything, I'm going with one from tonight that I just like. It's grainy and a little out of focus, but I think it looks cool.

Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/80, f/1.8, 50mm

I was walking across 108th in downtown Bellevue, crossing from the transit center to the other side. I decided to pause in the turning lane and snap a few shots. It's definitely not my best picture of the day, but I really like it. In fact, I'm sure whatever I choose for my reject pile, people will probably like more.

Let's see what tomorrow will bring.

PS: after driving around Cap Hill and Seattle today and seeing the flavor and personality, boy is downtown Bellevue boring.

Thursday, January 14, 2010


 Picture info: ISO 100, 1/50, f/2.5, 50mm, flash

Another horrible rainy day. I was going to have a lunch date with a friend today but it got canceled at the last minute, so I ended up staying inside pretty much all day (except for dog potty breaks). Tomorrow should be promising as Malcolm and I are headed into Seattle again.

Yesterday I found a website called A Shot A Day (or something like that) The Daily Shoot. It is a photog's site that gives you a topic a day to shoot. Today's topic was to juxtapose something large with something small. I found one of my trusty Okabashi slippers and put it next to one of Riley's slippers.

The resulting pictures were pretty lame.

Then I saw a Wolverine figurine he got for his birthday last summer. It's kind of Lego-ish, with more aggressiveness (Legos are cute, after all) thrown in. I posed the figure on a railing and snapped a few. After looking at them, I think I should've tried a different angle, but the one I posted is the one I liked best.

Of course, posting early means if I have an awesome picture later, I'm SOL. Hence, I won't take any more pictures today.

The family will appreciate that.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100 1/60 f/8 50mm

I made an effort to take a bunch of pictures today. Sadly, it doesn't seem to show. The weather outside sucked and the stuff inside the house is getting boring. So I took a picture of a wall.

When I moved into this house in '95, it was too big a house for just one guy. Plus, I didn't have any furniture. This basement I'm now in was just a finished basement. Partial carpet, horrible faux wood tile adhered to concrete, and tons and tons of spiders. I ended using the room for storage.

As the years passed, it occurred to me that this room needed to be used. I started clearing stuff out and moving stuff in. We got a couch, went through a few TVs and after some time, it turned into a fun little hang out.

I had a bare wall for many years and pretty much in the last few weeks, decided to hang a bunch of pictures and musical posters. It's kind of cool now, if I do say so myself. I'd invite you over, but for now, this picture will have to do.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Picture info: ISO1600 1/40 f/4.0 70mm

Late last year, I volunteered to be my son's and daughter's class photographer. Basically, the task was to take candid shots of the kids to be put in the yearbook. I took some at Halloween and was there again today to shoot more.

You'd think that by spending 2 hours at a school taking pictures, you'd come up with something cool for Project 365.

Well, that remains to be seen.

I did take lots of kid pictures, but after my recent run in with the law, I'm not about to post any of those without permission (not that they're that post-worthy anyway). I did try to keep P365 in mind, though, so not all my snaps were of kids.

I did learn a few things today. For most of my shots, I did them truly as candids. I wanted the kids to be unaware of me shooting. When I examined Haley's yearbook from last year, I saw that probably 90% of the candids were all taken when the kids were looking into the lens. And you know what? The pictures were way better that way. With the amount of cropping that will be needed for the candids, there's only so many pictures of kids at desks you can look at. So, I think I'm going to see about coming back in and doing headshots or posed pix of the kids goofing around.

The picture I posted is from my daughter's classroom. I guess as the days of school go by, the kids mark off each day on a calendar. I thought that would work nicely with the calendar I'm working on with P365. It's not a very inspired picture. I bumped the clarity and vibrance up a little and warmed it in Lightroom, but I probably could've just left it alone as well.

On an aside, I got Joe McNally's Hot Shoe Diaries from the library yesterday. Pardon the pun, but it's enlightening. There is so much to learn about taking pictures. I'm just scratching (barely) the surface.

Monday, January 11, 2010


Picture info: ISO100 1/6 f/4.0 70-210mm

It's late, but it's done. I didn't take too many pictures today. I spent some time today setting up Marci's old laptop with a fresh O/S load and some imaging software. The point being, I wanted to be able to do tethered shooting (take picture, have picture go directly to laptop, where I can view it much larger than on the tiny camera screen) and fiddle around with that.

In between that and now, I did the trek to Tacoma for some much needed band practice. My fingers are sore, but it was great anyway.

On the way home, I saw something in the non-rainy night that looked like it had potential, but, alas, I didn't bring my camera with me. So I had to improvise tonight.

A few months ago, I built a tiny light box out of an old cardboard box we had. I lined it with tissue paper and a piece of tag board from the local drugstore. I'd goofed around with it a little and thought it was kind of cool.

Fast forward to now and I've amassed a handful of lights from friends and family and I set up a horrible (re: ghetto) little impromptu studio on my wet bar. Haley got some new shoes today and since they're brand new (and she TORTURES shoes), I figured I'd try to shoot them in their still-pristine state.

See you tomorrow.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


Picture info: ISO100 .80 f/14

Haley's taken a shine to the keyboard lately. Her repertoire consists of Mary Had a Little Lamb, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, We Wish You a Merry Christmas, Skip to my Lou, and maybe a few more. She's playing one-handed most of the time and simply by memorization.

I wanted to get a picture of her doing this, but in reality, I just told her to sit at the keys and pretend like she was playing. I wanted to get a little motion and since the keyboard is right next to a window, I knew I had to limit the light, so I cranked the aperture up to 14 and gave it almost a second to expose. Both hands were captured, but I cropped it to show just the one.

Saturday, January 9, 2010


Picture info: ISO100 1/400 f/4.50

I got out of the house today with the family but didn't bring my camera. I brought Marci's Canon PowerShot SX110IS and took a few shots, but nothing really stood out.

I thought I might have another run-in with Johnny Law today as I was in public snapping away. First off was at Macy's, in the waiting area outside the girl's dressing room. Perhaps not the wisest place to shoot, but there was a cool color combination just inside the doorway. I liked the colors, but the composition, not so much. Take a look.

Picture info: ISO800 1/50 f/4.00 (taken with PowerShot)

Anyway, the picture I took was from my back yard. I took Bella out for her morning business and saw the mist and sun behind the trees. I ran inside and grabbed the camera and snapped away. Some were in color and then I took some in B&W with a sepia filter (in camera). I thought this one turned out best and, well, there you go.

Friday, January 8, 2010


I had a man-date today. Malcolm and I headed out in his SUV for South Seattle. I used to be in a band called Ethyl and we rehearsed down there at a place called the Olympic Foundry. Go look at a manhole cover. You'll see that name. I'd drive there 3 days a week back in the late 90s to practice with Rob and Johnny. I always thought it'd be cool to take pictures down in that area.

Anyway, before driving through the Foundry, I saw a little gravel lot on Airport Way South with a couple decaying classic cars (a red Ranchero and black Galaxie 500XL) parked there. It was raining pretty good, but we jumped out of the car and started snapping away.

In the same area were some railroad tracks, and a high retaining wall covered with graffiti. Needless to say, we found a bunch of great things to shoot. We also stepped in dog poo. That wasn't so cool.

As the day went on, we actually parked in Georgetown and walked a few blocks, had some coffee (where I tried to do some stealth shooting of a girl at a table, reading), walked in the rain some more, then headed off.

We hit Glazer's Camera in South Lake Union and looked around (me) and shopped (Malcolm). From there, it was lunch at a fabulous little coffee shop in Belltown (Cherry Street Coffee House; oddly enough, not on Cherry Street). Next up was Gasworks for some industrial shots. That was cool and all, but for my money, my best pictures were the ones in Georgetown and, specifically, of the cars.

I had a hard time picking a shot, but I kept gravitating towards this one. Hope you like it.

Picture info: ISO200 1/125 f/2.5

Thursday, January 7, 2010


An indirect relative of mine is someone many of you in the Seattle area know, well, indirectly. I had a doctor's appointment today (no worries, it's just a sinus infection) and had to head to the library. I turned and saw this guy (let's call him "K") listening to his CD player at a bus stop. He didn't see me, and even if he did, I was whizzing by in my car anyway.

As I passed him, I started thinking that this could be a great photo op. I turned the car around and parked in an adjacent lot. I approached him with camera in hand and said hi. He saw the camera and immediately held his CD player in front of his face, between he and I. I told him who I was and how I was related and he seemed to mellow out a little. I asked if I could take a few pictures and he declined, saying he was shy.

I asked how this could be as he's been on TV and in print for what he does (he's in "energetic advertising") and he said that he could be shy and outgoing at the same time. I shrugged. I wasn't going to force the issue.

He asked me for a ride to Issaquah. He had just finished his shift and had missed his bus, I guess. I had nothing else to do, so we hopped into the car and off we went. Surprisingly enough, it was pretty easy talking to him. He did clam up when I asked about his family, but we talked music (he was listening to "I'm a Believer" by the Monkees), work ("energetic advertising" = sign waver, but this guy makes it entertaining), why he spoke in an English accent (from all the Beatles and Monkees he listened to).

Before long, I got him home and it was off to the rest of my day. Here's a picture of some exhaust pipes on the roof of the Newport Way Library. Now I'm thinking I should've snapped a shot of K as he went into his apartment complex, but that wouldn't have felt right. Maybe next time.

Picture info: ISO100 1/250 f/1.8, shot in B&W, some troublesome branches removed in Elements.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


A few days ago, I realized the tabs on our Pilot expired in December. For whatever reason, we never received the renewal notice. I jumped online today and renewed them, so it was off to Crossroads to pick up the new tabs.

After doing that, I saw a little P-Patch to the side of the Sports Authority. Unfortunately, because it's the dead of winter, there was virtually nothing growing. And, sadly, there were few ornaments or interesting things to photograph save for a little figurine and a butterfly.

Lucky you, you get the figurine today. I tried one without flash (pictured) and one with. I bounced the flash off my hand to the figure, but it took on an orangey glow from my skin, so I decided to go with the natural light one.

Picture info: ISO100 1/500 f/1.8, cropped for your pleasure in Elements.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010


I took a little road trip down the freeway to Gene Coulon Park in Renton. It was very misty out and completely overcast, so colors were pretty muted. As luck would have it, Christmas lights were still strung and I thought they would look cool going along the railing. I also thought the yellow pop at the middle of the frame would add some much needed color, but to me, it's just distracting. I did straighten the shot and bump the brightness up a tick or too in Elements, but otherwise, it's untouched.

Picture info: ISO100 1/160 f4.0 70-210mm lens

Monday, January 4, 2010


I gotta get out of the house more.

My friend Malcolm posted a great picture on his Facebook page. He tweaked it and it looks awesome. I felt pressure to deliver too, but I was inside all day and didn't want to take my gear in the rain anyway. Plus, with this new Speedlite, I've been messing around with it, trying to figure out how it works, etc, etc.

Needless to say, today's picture is all about lighting and goofing around. I am pleased with the results of the flash and have been scouring this website to learn more and more. I have already gleaned some tips and am looking forward to taking the camera out and about, specifically to clubs to catch some rock shows.

Anyway, my picture is of what will probably be a frequent model for me, my trusted G&L SB-2 bass. I won't rehash my history with this bass, but let's just say that it's one of my favorite things in the world.

The picture above was taken in my basement earlier this afternoon. I had the bass on a stand in front of a door. With the 50mm lens, I was able to shoot at f1.8 and get really thin depth of field, so the door worked as an adequate backdrop.

Picture info: ISO200 1/10 f1/8 with Speedlite

Sunday, January 3, 2010


Ok. Today's picture isn't so inspired. In fact, it was sort of a last minute thing.

I spent some time today helping a friend move out. Took a couple of pictures there, but nothing jumped out. Later on, we went to a friend's house for dinner and as Marci and the kids hung out with their counterparts, Malcolm and I talked photography. We basically got to geek out.

It was great. The food was good too!

Anyway, Malcolm and I talked about custom white balance, depth of field, editing, Project 365, etc, etc. I learned some stuff from him and I think he learned some stuff from me.

Through the night, we chatted about that and had a lot of fun with our families as well. He was also kind enough to give me an off-camera flash he had sitting in a drawer. That's what is in this picture. Now I just have to learn how to use it.

Thanks, Malcolm!

Picture info: ISO1600 1/60 f1.8

Saturday, January 2, 2010


I had a hard time coming up with a picture today. I took about 25 pictures and this was the one that spoke to me, after perusing all of them.

I have a bunch of license plates on a wall in my garage. There are more, but I'd need a wide angle lens to show them all.

The 187-GJH is from a 1995 Acura Integra GS-R (red) my folks got me when I graduated from college. It was red and it was stick and I had a lot of fun with that car.

During that time, I got a vanity plate. When you apply in Wa St., you get three choices. The three I applied for were SPOOKY, TRSTNO1 and LILDRGN.

As it was the late 90s, and I was a huge X-Files fan, I went with X-Files themed ideas for the first 2. LILDRGN was an abbreviation of a nickname a friend of mine gave me. He figured since I was short (compared to him!) and Asian, I must have know martial arts, hence Little Dragon.

Lucky for me, the non-pop culture name was allowed and my car went from being 187-GJH to LILDRGN.

About 6 years later, I traded the Integra in for a 2001 Volkswagen GTI 1.8t (Matchstick red). I kept the LILDRGN plate on that.

As the years passed and my family grew, the GTI was eventually traded in for a Jetta (gotta keep the German in the family), which was then turned into a Honda Pilot (the nice clean plate on the right).

I somehow snookered the wife into letting me get another GTI and after some searching, found a 2002 GTI 1.8t (Reflex silver). I removed the plate (832-RXV) and put LILDRGN in its rightful place.

Picture info: ISO200 1/100 f1.8

Friday, January 1, 2010


This here is a picture of a picture of the camera I'll be using to document (or try to document!) my Project 365.

My camera is a Canon Rebel XT that I bought last summer using some money I made painting a house. It wasn't the most prudent thing to buy at the time, but I have fallen in love with this little guy.

I recently got some white balance lens caps via ebay and after fiddling around with them the past day or so, it's pretty amazing the difference (to my eye, at least).

Then I read something about using coffee filters (luckily the lens caps were under $10 for 2 shipped) and tried it and, wouldn't you know it, it worked about the same. Sheesh.

Anyway, here's the before picture with AWB via the Rebel XT.

See the difference?

BTW, the camera in the picture is a Canon SX110IS. I think.

Welcome to my Project 365!

Another blog? You bet!

Only on this one, I'm going to try to do Project 365, where I take (and hopefully post) one picture a day for the next year. It's 1:53pm on 1/1/10 and as of right now, I have not taken a picture yet. The good news? Day isn't over yet!

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