Sunday, October 31, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/500, f/4.50, 27mm, Av

Spotted in the Renton Qdoba parking lot. Cheesy and cool all at once.

Saturday, October 30, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/25, f/4.50, 18mm, Av

This is where I sleep. It is comfy and warm.

Friday, October 29, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

Riley's pirate pumpkin.

Thursday, October 28, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

Let a friend borrow my DSLR so here's my POD. 

Wednesday, October 27, 2010



Picture info: ISO 640, 1/320, f/4.50, 30mm, Sports mode

I took Riley to Lake Boren Park to meet up with his Cub Scout group. We were a little early so he got some playground time in.

Happy 300/365! Only 65 left!!

Tuesday, October 26, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/40, f/1.80, 50mm, M

This old loading dock is attached to our vacant Red Apple. I saw the cool shadow after shooting around for a few minutes and liked how this turned out.

Monday, October 25, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

Feeling better today. Pouring rain on the way home. Stopped at a light and grabbed this. 

Sunday, October 24, 2010


Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

This is my mood. 

Saturday, October 23, 2010


Picture info: ISO 400, 1/60, f/3.50, 18mm, Av, flash, 4 exposures

I showed the kids the picture from yesterday with two dads. They were blown away and had no idea how I did it. I said I just pushed really hard and, pooof, there were two of me.

I revealed the magic later and shot a few of Riley standing around. I got a little sloppy over the main Riley, just over his left shoulder (forgot to brush it better).


Friday, October 22, 2010



Picture info: ISO 400, 1/60, f/3.50, 18mm, Av, flash

I've been wanting to do this for awhile and kept forgetting to do so. Now that I've done it, it's pretty lame.

Maybe I'll try again tomorrow.

Thursday, October 21, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/2.50, 50mm, AV, flash

I told the cat to look thoughtful. This was the best she could do.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010



Picture info: Shot with my Blackberry 8900

I walked to my off-site parking spot where I, well, park my car now. I saw this little red house tucked back in the trees and took a picture. What a beautiful day, huh?

Tuesday, October 19, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900
It's B$. We played ball on this glorious afternoon.

Monday, October 18, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/3.50, 50mm, Av, flash

Today's Daily Shoot was something about curves. I was gonna shoot pics of my bass and ended up doing so, but when I turned on the TV and saw what was on, well I had to wait for the right opportunity.

For those that don't know, that bass playing gentleman behind my bass is Geddy Lee. He inspired me as a kid and I tried to catch him and my bass in the same shot.

Sunday, October 17, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/4.00, 18mm, Av, flash

Haley got an origami kit yesterday and has spent a good part of the past 2 days making stuff. This is a shark that I helped her make. I added the figure for dramatic effect.

Origami is hard.

Saturday, October 16, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

Saw this Kia parked in a lot. It was covered in badges of other cars. I saw the Audi rings first and thought, "WTF?" and then realized it was a joke because of all the other badges. 

Friday, October 15, 2010


Picture info: ISO 200, 1/80, f/2.30, 50mm, Av

Had a few extra minutes on the way home from work today so I hit the Bellevue Botanical Garden for some shots. The sun was golden but I liked this picture in the shade of this little pink flower. It looked sad.

Thursday, October 14, 2010



Picture info: Shot with my Blackberry 8900.

I have a gig tonight so here's my one picture of the day.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/4.50, 29mm, Av, flash

It's a mini pumpkin that Marci grew.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/125, f/2.50, 50mm, Av

This is the front window to our old neighborhood Red Apple supermarket. It closed in January of 2009 and remains empty today. I stopped by on my way back from band and took a picture.

Monday, October 11, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/250, f/5.60, 50mm, Av

All the rage at school for the kids today are these glorified rubber bands. They're called Silly Bands and when I got home tonight, Hay and Rye were out front trading them with our neighbor.

Rubber bands. Whoever had this idea is laughing all the way to the bank.

Sunday, October 10, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/25, f/3.20, 50mm, Av

Bella on the floor. Camera on the floor. Bella watching Marci iron Girl Scout patches.

Saturday, October 9, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

A cool panning shot taken at good ol' Factoria Square. 

Friday, October 8, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/3200, f/3.50, 18mm, Av

I took the day off work today because the kids had the day off from school. We ran around all day, hitting appointments (Haley, Bella and Haley), and then, at the end of it, me and Rye went to the park at Crossroads.

Marci met us there later and on the way out, I saw this cool grate in a covered area. I put the camera on the ground and hit the shutter.

Stay tuned for a set from our hour at the park.

Thursday, October 7, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/40, f/4.00, 27mm, Av

Are we at 365 yet?

In an unrelated note, I have large pores.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/5.60, 53mm, Av, flash

I was hurtin for a subject until I saw a ball of yarn. I put it on the floor, fired up the flash and snapped away.

Interestingly enough, if I desaturated this shot (eliminated color), it just looked like a blank ball of yarn. You would've never known there was color in the yarn itself.


Tuesday, October 5, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/80, f/1.80, 50mm, Av

You know how they say you wear 20% of your clothes 80% of the time? I think I wear 4% of my clothes 90% of the time.

I love/hate this inbetween weather. Love the sun and dryness, hate the fact that I can't go to my luscious winter wardrobe yet.

Still wearing short sleeves and freezing because of it.

Monday, October 4, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/50, f/1.80, 50mm, Av

Had band practice for the first time in forever tonight because I lucked us into a show at the Sunset next week. As I was playing, I thought it'd be cool to try to get a "Gwon's eye-view" of what I see when I play bass.

I held the camera left handed over my head and shot down. It was harder than it seems and even then, I didn't get the angle I wanted.

This is close, but not quite.

Sunday, October 3, 2010


Picture info: ISO 400, 1/30, f/2.00, 50mm, Av

My poor TV. This is a picture of it. I've had it since January 2008 and a few weeks ago, it just stopped working.


Thankfully, we got the extended warranty with it and it is still covered by Best Buy. A tech came out yesterday and saw what it needed (a new power board) and he won't have it until next week.

Until then, it sits, lonely and unused.

Saturday, October 2, 2010



Picture info: shot with BlackBerry 8900

Yum! Fruit sushi made by a Food Network chef! We were invited to speak at a KidsQuest Museum function. it took place at a board member's house in the Lakemont area. I spoke as we've been members there for a long time and have been beneficiaries of their services.

I was DVR'ing the Huskies game but they had it on there. I was going to avoid watching, but I figured I'd hear everyone's reaction so I went to watch. There was 3 seconds left and, needless to say, I watched that sucker.


Friday, October 1, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/5, f/1.80, 50mm, Av

These are my trusty Okabashi slippers. I wear them every day. I think I love them.

They will break eventually, though. Cool thing is, the company replaces them for free. Bad thing is, it costs about $15 to ship them in a box to Georgia, where their company is located. Cool thing is, you can buy them at Bartell's for about $10.

Looks like I'll be going to Bartell's in the next few months.

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