Saturday, July 31, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/800, f/2.8, 50mm, Av

This was the last shot I took of Riley today before his face hit pavement.

We had a great day today. He and I did some yardwork this morning and after that, we headed out with Marci and Hay to meet my brother's family, whom we haven't seen for 2 years or so. They returned last night from 3 year "temp" assignment in Ireland.

The ensuing lunch and reunion were highly fun and entertaining, as well as tiring. After that, we came home and Hay and Rye wanted to get some bike riding in. They were crusing around and before long, I heard a WHACK and then Riley crying. Unfortunately they were at the other end of the cul-de-sac, so off I went.

As I got closer I was shocked to see Riley bleeding from the nose and mouth. I scooped him up and trucked back home.

Upon further inspection, his upper teeth were all bloody, his hand and knee as well. He had an abrasion on his nose and, surprisingly, a big abrasion on his forehead just between his eyebrows. It was a surprise because he had a helmet on, and on correctly (I'm a stickler for him and others to wear their helmets straight and not back on their heads).

Anyway, we wanted to err on the side of caution so we booked him over to the Bellevue Children's Hospital clinic. They took him in and checked him out. Before long, he fell asleep so Hay and I went to grab dinner.

As it turns out, he was pretty lucky. Aside from the aforementioned scrapes and bumps, Riley escaped any serious injury. He complained of a headache tonight but we're not sure if it's due to the crash or his regular Chiari headaches, or both.

After the clinic, we got him and Marci some dinner and he was pretty much regular Rye, just with super fat lip. It was almost like nothing happened, until you looked at his blood-stained shirt.

In any event, we'll be keeping a close eye on him. We're just happy he's not hurt worse.

For blog readers, here's a bonus picture of the crash aftermath. Shot on my Blackberry.

Friday, July 30, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/100, f/6.3, 18mm, Av

We dropped Hay at a friend's house for a sleepover tonight. While I waited, I saw their basketball hoop so I moseyed on over (drove), leaned out of the car and shot up. Of the few I shot, I liked this one the best. Good thing, too, otherwise you would've been subjected to another picture of Bella.

And I mislabeled this picture as 210. Oops.

Thursday, July 29, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/30, f/5.6, 194mm, Av

The kids had a little Bible camp shin dig tonight. Our good friends were there as well and I shot this picture of their daughter Kenzie as she ate an Oreo.

This baby has beautiful eyes. I thought where we were had good light, but it was bit too yellow. I tamed it down a little in post and thought it looked pretty goood.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/13, f/3.5, 18mm, Av

I got home from work today and Riley was planted on the floor doing yoga. Of course I ran downstairs and got the camera.

Because I was on the floor (and I had a filter on; oops), the camera wa registering dark, even with all the light coming in. So it slowed the shutter down to compensate.

I ended up taking about 10 shots, half of which I had to dump because Riley wouldn't hold his poses long enough.

The red carpet and orange yoga mat (funny) didn't help the color issues. I guess it doesn't matter too much. I just liked the story the photo told.

Tuesday, July 27, 2010



Picture info: ISO 400, 1/100, f/2.5, 50mm, Av

Garlic and rosemary. Love one, can't stand the other. The garlic is from Marci's garden. And I hate rosemary.

With work, I'm struggling with finding things to shoot. Bear with me as I scrape some stuff from the bottom of the barrel.

Monday, July 26, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

Had band practice for the first time in 2 months. On the way home, I stuck my hand out the window for a quick BB shot. I tried to get the Tacoma Narrows Bridge in it but I failed.

Sunday, July 25, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/200, f/4.50, 18mm, Av, flash

We did a lot today. Marci and I started the day by doing about 2.5 hours of yardwork. Mainly trimming and hacking back about 10+ years worth of bushes (oregon grape?), blackberries and assorted crap. On the upside, we found 7 tennis balls for Bella.

Hay and Rye did water fun in their underwear while we worked. It was pretty comical.

After lunch, we cleaned up, then headed to the Bellevue Arts & Crafts Fair. It's not like it was a super hot day, but man, I was ROASTING. It was lame.

A little later, Hay and I came across some girls selling ice cream and since Hay had the money, I asked her to buy me one. We both got ice cream sandwiches and here's a picture I shot of her with her treat.

(We also got her this cool hat, which she loved, and I popped the OCF to get some light under the lid)


Saturday, July 24, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

Took the kids and dog for a bike ride this morning. We all did great until Bella went one way and I went the other. Next time I'll let her go, I think.

Friday, July 23, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/8.0, 41mm, Av, flash

It's amazing how getting one's tonsils removed can improve one's general disposition.

For a long time, my little Haley was a very dramatic little girl. She would get cranky seemingly at the drop of a hat. She would lose it for seemingly no reason. She would argue and pout as if her life depended on it.

Then she got diagnosed with swollen tonsils.

Apparently these guys were so swollen they were almost touching. They kept her from eating, which made her cranky with hunger. They woke her up at night because she couldn't swallow properly and she'd gag on her saliva.

We made an appointment for the first day of summer vacation and there were days before that where Haley would beg us to move the date up or she'd wish to go to sleep and wake up on surgery day.

About a week after surgery, Hay, Marci and Rye went to California. I stayed behind for a week, then met up with them for the 4th of July weekend.

When they picked me up from the airport, they were happy to see me, but the difference in Haley's whole feel was pretty evident already.

As the week went by, it was clearer to me that my happy, funny, eager to please little girl was back! Yeah, she still had her moments, but we chalked that up to her being 8 and not because she was so uncomfortable/hungry/grumpy.

Today was her last day of Girl Scout camp and the hat she's wearing in the picture is decorated with swaps, which are pins and tokens all the Scouts made and, well, swapped.

What else is cool is that since I've picked up this photography thing, Haley has really learned how to smile beautifully for the camera, with no evidence of self-conciousness. I love it, I love Hay, and I wanted to share her little story.


Thursday, July 22, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/50, f/5.0, 34mm, Av

I was gonna post a picture of a Girl Scout project Haley's been working on this week. Something called swaps? All the Girl Scouts should know about them.

But I posted a picture of a dusty elephant instead. It was in the light of the sunset and it was pretty yellowish. I color corrected it the best I could though because the yellow was just too strong for me.

With the job running regular hours now and me having little time to shoot, I've kind of put the project on the back burner. Then tonight, when I had nothing, I shot this elephant and you know what?

It all comes back.

This isn't the best picture I've ever taken, but for a moment today, I was really excited about it. I like the shadow on the shelf. I like fact that I cut off the head on purpose. I like that you can't tell that there's a potted plant behind the elephant. I was just taking a picture of something in some late afternoon sun.

It's these little victories that make taking photos so fun for me.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010



Picture info: Shot with a BlackBerry 8900.

I saw this gal cruising around today on skates. Then she sat down right next to my table for lunch.

I couldn't resist.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

Dudes playing hoops at lunch.

Monday, July 19, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/30, f/2.50, 50mm, Av

A friend from church had asked me to fill in on bass for a program he was in charge of. It was for a jazz trio and I said yes.

Today I got the info I needed to try to practice. A link to a fake book and a list of tunes. I opened up youtube, looked up some songs and tried playing along.

It wasn't horrible, but it wasn't great. Throw in the fact that I hadn't touched my basses in probably more than a month and, well, I was pretty rusty.

I was all set to practice tonight for the gig tomorrow when I got an email saying it was called off.


It might have been cool... then again, it might not have been. We'll never know.

Sunday, July 18, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/640, f/5.6, 18mm, Av

Riley's friend had a birthday party at the local pool today. He and Hay took turns on the diving board. Towards the end I busted out the wide angle lense and got low to the ground. Hay got some air and I snapped the shot. Go summer!

Saturday, July 17, 2010



Picture info: ISO 200, 1/60, f/2.80, 50mm, Av

Seeing this makes me realize that I need to measure how tall Hay is. When I see her, she's Hay and she's however big she is. When I see her around her friends, it's clear just how tiny she is. It cracks me up each time.

Friday, July 16, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/2.50, 50mm, EV -1

My dog's six favorite words: "Want to go for a walk?"

Thursday, July 15, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/4000, f/2.50, 50mm, Av, EV -1

Haley's new flowers she planted with Marci the other day. Dug the colors.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/3200, f/2.80, 50mm, Av

I hadn't shot with the 50mm for a while so I busted it out today at the...

Target parking lot! Very creative, huh?

I thought the lines of the lot and the shadow looked cool.

I forgot how clear the 50 shoots. Love it.

Tuesday, July 13, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

Did yard work this morning/early afternoon. Another work shot. Enjoy.

Monday, July 12, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

Ran out of time today to shoot pix so you get a shot of my place of work. This is a different shot than before, so I'm cheating, but too bad.

Sunday, July 11, 2010



Picture info: ISO 200, 1/640, f/4.50, 79mm, Sports mode

Haley got some yesterday and I had to give it to Rye today. This time, he was able to do it himself and make it to the bottom for the most part. I just loved the expression on his face for this shot.

Saturday, July 10, 2010



Picture info: ISO 400, 1/640, f/5.60, 55mm, Sports mode

Today was the first day I've spent at home with the kids in about two weeks. We went to lunch and ran some errands and did some summer fun shopping.

Cue the Slip 'n' slide!

Brought it home and set it up. Haley, like she does with most things active, took to it immediately. Riley struggled a bit with the diving on the ground aspect. I think because it went against everything we've been teaching him the past few years to protect his neck, it was hard for him to do.

As it was, he kept trying and towards the end (before he nearly froze), he was able to make it most of the way down the slide.

I had some other shots of Hay splashing down in the water trough at the end, but I liked this shot of her airborn.

She's a stud.

Friday, July 9, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/400, f/2.30, 50mm, Av

I went to my brother's house today. He had a little health issue over the weekend and he's at home recovering nicely. As the kids played with his dogs and my mom and him talked computers, I shot a picture of their wine glasses. I held the camera up and clicked blindly once again. The natural frame in the background was a very lucky and happy catch.

Thursday, July 8, 2010



Picture info: Shot with Blackberry 8900

OK. Computer is pretty much back to normal. If I were more ambitious, I'd rearrange my hard drives. With all the photos I've been taking, my good ol' 120gb drive is getting full. My secondary drive is getting tight as well.

The plan is to take some real pictures tomorrow and upload them after some post. I have a bunch of California pix to catch up on as well.

In the meantime, I changed my desktops to some of my recent favorite shots.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

Why yes, that does show 90+. It is in direct sunlight though, so don't take it at face value.

Still having CPU issues, hence the BB post. Plus it's back to work today so time is short.

Tuesday, July 6, 2010



Picture info: ISO 200, 1/800, f/5.00, 18mm, Av

In California one more day and stopped by the pier at San Clemente. I took a bunch of pictures today but I am having some major computer issues again.

I shut my main rig off for the weekend and upon my return tonight, I turned it on. Wouldn't you know it, now my computer won't work. Something is keeping it from booting properly.


So you get this cool picture with a Lightroom filter applied to it. I'd like to do some Photoshop PP, but not tonight. Hope you like it.

Monday, July 5, 2010



Picture info: shot with Blackberry 8900

I took a bunch of shots today in Murietta and Temecula but didn't want to go through all the steps. This one shot upload via my phone is pretty cool. Hopefully the picture looks cool on a real screen.

Sunday, July 4, 2010



Picture info: ISO 200, 1/400, f/3.50, Av

I'm in California the next few days visiting with my in-laws. Today we participated in a 4th of July parade in San Clemente, CA. In this town there are lots of people with golf carts. This parade was no exception.

Happy 4th of July!

Saturday, July 3, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/2000, f/5.60, 55mm, Av

I went to pho for lunch and saw some signs about the Factoria car show (remember the b&w car shot from a few days ago?). Well, turns out it was outdoors and, coincidentally, the weather cooperated.

Thankfully I brought the camera. I was planning on snapping pix of my tasty lunch (which I did), but took a field trip afterwards and snapped a bunch of beautiful cars.

This here hood ornament was one of my last shots of the day. Keep an eye out for another car show set soon.

Friday, July 2, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/30, f/4.00, 25mm, Av

I spent the morning replacing our dead garbage disposal. The job wasn't too hard except that the one I bought was missing a gasket. Off to Home Depot for a replacement. Headed home and finished the job, only the exit pipe from the disposal is just a hair too short to connect to the existing trap, so it's leaking.

Superb. And I have to go to work now, so I won't be able to work on it until tomorrow.

Thursday, July 1, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/500, f/3.50, 18mm, Av

I was going to post a picture of our kitchen sink because our garbage disposal has failed. I headed to Home Depot to get a replacement and drove by the local school bus lot for lunch.

Luckily I had my camera with me.

Kids get free for summer; buses get locked up. :(

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