Saturday, July 10, 2010



Picture info: ISO 400, 1/640, f/5.60, 55mm, Sports mode

Today was the first day I've spent at home with the kids in about two weeks. We went to lunch and ran some errands and did some summer fun shopping.

Cue the Slip 'n' slide!

Brought it home and set it up. Haley, like she does with most things active, took to it immediately. Riley struggled a bit with the diving on the ground aspect. I think because it went against everything we've been teaching him the past few years to protect his neck, it was hard for him to do.

As it was, he kept trying and towards the end (before he nearly froze), he was able to make it most of the way down the slide.

I had some other shots of Hay splashing down in the water trough at the end, but I liked this shot of her airborn.

She's a stud.


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