Thursday, September 30, 2010


273/365 & #ds319
Picture info: Shot with Blackberry 8900

Today's Daily Shoot: vanishing point and converging lines.

A happy coincidence. I shot this early today in the backyard long before I knew what the DS subject was.

Wednesday, September 29, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/80, f/2.50, 50mm, Av

I saw these teacups in Haley's room tonight. They are doll sized so I put them on our white table and snapped away. White balanced with a coffee filter just because I could.

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


Picture info: ISO 100, 1/400, f/2.80, 50mm, Sports

Hay and her friend made a hopscotch thing (track? drawing? level?) on the street. She was in a great mood (this after her being in bouts of horrible moods for the past few days), so I wanted to catch her being goofy.

I love her style in the pic too. The boots, the skinny jeans (which she rocks, btw!) and the cool shirt. Apparently all the rage at school these days are Silly Bands, or cheap neon rubber bracelets shaped as rabbits, stars, heads, musical notes, etc. They trade them all day long.

Skinny cropped for your pleasure to remove a garbage can and Riley from the background.

Monday, September 27, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/25, f/1.80, 50mm, Av

Not much to write home about. It's the cord to my headphones that I have on my desk. I flipped the photo over in post. I have the aperture wide open to let in light and because I just felt like it.

And I labeled it wrong. Oops.

Sunday, September 26, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/200, f/1.80, 50mm, Av

Shot this through the windshield on the way home tonight. No big deal.

Saturday, September 25, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/40, f/5.60, 250mm, Av

It's an Audi RS6 Avant Matchbox car. Somehow it fell out our living room window onto the landing below. I was going to get it for Riley but it had a fat spider blocking access, so it'll stay out for tonight.

Friday, September 24, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/4, f/16, 18mm, M

Haley's school had some new playground equipment put in. They are basically little cups that spin REALLY FAST. I think they're called Puke-A-Trons.

That blur you see? It's Hay. I held the camera over her head and told her to smile.

Thursday, September 23, 2010


266/365 & #ds312

Picture info: ISO 200, 1/80, f/4.50, 32mm, M

Today's Daily Shoot: Symmetry can be calm and soothing. Make a photo today featuring symmetry, either in subject or composition.

These are Haley's battered glasses shot through my cheap, screw-on macro lens.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/50, f/5.00, 45mm, M

This is a shot of my favorite pedal on my oversized, fabric, pedal board.

Years ago I ran a compressor, chorus, this DI, a tuner and goodness knows what else. All in search of The Tone©. I never could find it. I think I've had the basses (MM Sterling, SB2 and Lakland DD), but my amp and cab combos have been lacking.

I bought my Trace head about 15 years from Capitol Loans on Capitol Hill. I keep waiting for it to die so I can get something new ($$$ permitting, of course).

It won't die.

And I really don't want it to.

Anyway, over the years, as I've needed money and not needed pedals, I've pared down my gear to the Sansamp and a tuner. I could probably get away without the bag, but I'm paranoid of using batteries, so I lug around a Pedal Power box and a power cord to make it all go.

I've been wanting to take a picture of my board for some time. I was disappointed to see that everything in it is black. So there you go.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010



Blackberry shot.

This was shot in the parking lot at work. I thought it looked cool on my phone and now it's my wallpaper.

Monday, September 20, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/2.50, 50mm, Av

Book: The Devil's Star by Jo Nesbø.
Milk: 1%.
Cookies: Oreo Halloween.

The beginning of a good night.

Except for the potential of lactose intolerance rearing its ugly head. So far, so good.

Sunday, September 19, 2010



Blackberry shot.

We took Bella to the kids' school with her BFF Lulu to play ball. Bella had fun.

Saturday, September 18, 2010



Picture info: ISO 200, 1/250, f/2.50, 50mm, Av

Something one of the kids created. Didn't have much time today to take pix. LAZY.

Friday, September 17, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/160, f/2.20, 50mm, Av

Haley went to a sleep over tonight so it was me, Marci and Riley for dinner. I asked Rye where he wanted to go and he wrote down the places.

quiznos subway
meksiken golndbregsz

In English, it's Quiznos, Subway, Mexican (food) and Goldberg's.

We ended up going to Goldberg's after he did eenie meenie miney mo to choose.

Try the Philly Cheese Steak sandwich there. Tasty!

Thursday, September 16, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/50, f/2.20, 50mm, Av

Today's Daily Shoot assignment: Preparing or eating food is a rhythmic part of life. Make a photo of a meal you prepared our ate today.

Marci made corn chowder and grilled cheese sandwiches tonight. This was Haley's soup after she did some Tobasco dribbles into it.


Wednesday, September 15, 2010



Picture info: Shot with BlackBerry 8900.

I took the dog out tonight and saw a nasty spider in our shed. I tried to get it with the flashlight and shoot with the BB at the same time. It's a bit blurry.

I hate spiders.

Tuesday, September 14, 2010



Picture info: Shot with Blackberry 8900

I posted this already to Facebook but I'm being lazy today. Enjoy. 

Monday, September 13, 2010


256/365 and #ds302

Picture info: ISO 100, 1/1250, f/5.00, 32mm, Av

Today's Daily Shoot: Make a photograph of a path, sidewalk, trail, or road today and post it. Lead our eye through the scene.

I brought my camera to work and took a few pictures. Didn't like any of them. I shot this getting on the freeway on 405 South. It was a pretty drab sky so I made it B&W and though the selective color thing is silly at times, I liked the yellow of the truck, so I highlighted it.

Sunday, September 12, 2010



Picture info: Shot with Blackberry 8900

Today's Daily Shoot: Sunday challenge: Play with scale today. Make a photo of something small that looks huge.

After a day of football, I forgot about my P365. Here's Dwight K. Schrute. He stands about 3 inches tall on my desk. Don't know if he looks "huge", but it'll do for today.

Saturday, September 11, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/60, f/5.00, 123mm, Av

We went to a friend's baby's 1st birthday today. It was at Gasworks Park on a BEAUTIFUL day. I saw this couple inside the covered area and tried to sneak a picture. As I snapped, I got busted, but I played it off and she didn't say anything.

Friday, September 10, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/2.00, 50mm, Av, flash

Today's DS topic: Find a strong series of horizontal lines or elements and make a photograph of it today.

Well, don't know if it's strong, but it's horizontal and it's Calvin & Hobbes.

Thursday, September 9, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/125, f/2.50, 50mm, M

Spent the last hour or so trying not to lose it with Haley. She's been having a rough go with 3rd grade so far. I don't know if she expected it to be easier, but whatever the reason, she's been pretty stressed about the whole thing.

Trouble is, she doesn't manage her stress all that well and ends up lashing out and making excuses.

Her and I had a long chat the other night and I told her that I was going to work on being less strict and more patient. Tonight, I thought I did a pretty good job even though she was still hysterical and emotional.

After it all, I came downstairs, dreading the photo of the day, so I aimed, looked up, shut my eyes and hoped for the best.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/80, f/2.50, 50mm, M

I took another shot of the Schwinn today. I put some air in the tires and rode it around the neighborhood. Aside from an unbalanced front tire, the bike rode pretty well.

I leaned the bike against our garage door and attempted some shots. I got some good ones and will put them in a set in the near future. This one is of the crank, shot blindly by holding the camera down and clicking away.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010



Picture info: ISO 200, 1/30, f/4.0, 29mm, Av

Today's Daily Shoot topic: Make a photograph with either a 9 or 6 (components of today's date) in it represented in some way and post it today.

Even though today is 9/7.

Anyway, here are some veggies that Marci grew. I loved the tiny tomatoes and I liked the shape of the yellow thing. I cropped it closer because I thought it looked cool like that.

Monday, September 6, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/3.50, 50mm, Av, flash

A friend of mine's boyfriend had his bicycle stolen last week. I remembered that a neighbor had a bike he tried to give me a few weeks ago when we were looking to upgrade Haley's bike. I mentioned it to my friend and she said they'd take it.

Moving onto today, I got the bike from my neighbor's house and though it is old and unused, it is functional and that is what's most important to my friend.

Trouble is, her boyfriend is male, of course, and this Schwinn Varsity 10 speed (I think it's 10 speed!) is for the females.

It's powder blue, has the old, OLD school shifters (see below right of the speedo) and has the slanted down main tube to allow for lady-like mounting and dismounting of the bicycle.

Having said all that, I think it would be cool to know the story of this bike. The 367 miles on the odometer intrigue me. Were they neighborhood miles? After all, these neighbors have lived on my street since before my house (or I) even existed! So their daughter rode around here, I suppose.

I wonder if the bike was a part of her, like Haley's bike is becoming a part of her? Every chance my kids get these days, they're on their bikes. It's pretty awesome to see (though nerve-wracking at times as well).

Anyway, I have some other pictures of this bike to send to my friend. I hope they take it because I don't want it cluttering up my garage. With some TLC, this bike, vintage as it may be, will make someone happy.

Sunday, September 5, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/3.50, 50mm, Av, flash

This is a 50mm shot of one of my 2 CD drawers. Several years ago, my CDs sat, unused and unloved on a shelf somewhere. I got myself a Rio Karma (RIP) mp3 player and proceeded to rip all my tunes over the course of several summer nights.

Since then, I have gone through about 2 more mp3 players and am now using a Sansa something or other that I got refurbished from My CDs are still unused and unloved, but I can't bear to get rid of them.

I shudder to think of those people with thousands of CDs. I think I have about 200.

Saturday, September 4, 2010



Picture info: Shot with Blackberry 8900

Riley's gonna be a cub scout. He said his dream came true tonight. LOL.

Friday, September 3, 2010



Picture info: Shot by Blackberry 8900

I took a walk behind work today at lunch. This is part of the railroad behind our offices. Tall weeds, huh?

Thursday, September 2, 2010



Picture info: ISO 800, 1/30, f/2.80, 50mm, Av

I was gonna do another DS shot, but I misremembered the topic. It read: Make a beautiful photograph of something commonly thought of as ugly.

I thought it read as shoot something ugly and make it beautiful/pretty. The missing keyword would be "commonly".

Is this commonly thought of as ugly? Maybe to some, even without all the dust and junk. To me it is ugly BECAUSE of the dust and the junk.

So now is it beautiful? You tell me.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010



Picture info: ISO 100, 1/60, f/2.8, 50mm, Av, flash

I held the camera overhead and blind shot this. It's a play off the Daily Shoot topic (Make a monochromoe (sic) photograph today. Either use a single color subject/background or make it monochrome in post.)

I uploaded the B&W one to there, but I liked the red and yellow colors for the regular blog.

All this, and delicious to boot. Gluten free!

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