Wednesday, September 22, 2010



Picture info: ISO 1600, 1/50, f/5.00, 45mm, M

This is a shot of my favorite pedal on my oversized, fabric, pedal board.

Years ago I ran a compressor, chorus, this DI, a tuner and goodness knows what else. All in search of The Tone©. I never could find it. I think I've had the basses (MM Sterling, SB2 and Lakland DD), but my amp and cab combos have been lacking.

I bought my Trace head about 15 years from Capitol Loans on Capitol Hill. I keep waiting for it to die so I can get something new ($$$ permitting, of course).

It won't die.

And I really don't want it to.

Anyway, over the years, as I've needed money and not needed pedals, I've pared down my gear to the Sansamp and a tuner. I could probably get away without the bag, but I'm paranoid of using batteries, so I lug around a Pedal Power box and a power cord to make it all go.

I've been wanting to take a picture of my board for some time. I was disappointed to see that everything in it is black. So there you go.


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